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Meet 'Ram Chauhan' Man with The World's Longest Mustache [Video]

Ram Singh Chauhan has managed to avoid some close shaves in his life a necessity if you're the owner of the world's longest mustache.

He boasts the world's longest moustache measuring over 14ft long which he has spent 32 years cultivating the whiskers.

He spends two hours each day oiling, brushing and platting his moustache. And his locks have seen him become a celebrity in his home town, making trips out difficult for the 58-year-old from Jaipur, India.

He's been growing it since 1982, after a friend with a 7-foot-long mustache suggested it.

"He said, 'Ram Singh, it’ll be good if you grow your mustache too," he told

So far, the friend's prediction has come true. Chauhan has appeared in many Bollywood films as well as the 1983 James Bond film "Octopussy."

Chauhan officially earned the title of "World's Longest Mustache" from Guinness World Records in March, 2010. He admits keeping it looking lush is not easy.

Meet 'Ram Chauhan' Man with The World's Longest Mustache [Video] Reviewed by Msl on 16:25 Rating: 5

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