Devil Baby Prank Scares New Yorkers in Funny Viral Video [Watch]
An animatronic "devil baby" in a remote controlled stroller goes on a rampage through the streets of New York City and hidden cameras record people's reactions.
Viral video marketing agency Thinkmodo, took their creation to the streets of New York, which many fell victim to the devilish prank, and the reactions are priceless.
The "Devil Baby Attack" is part of a promotion, for a new horror film, "Devil's Due," which opens this weekend.
Viral video marketing agency Thinkmodo, took their creation to the streets of New York, which many fell victim to the devilish prank, and the reactions are priceless.
The "Devil Baby Attack" is part of a promotion, for a new horror film, "Devil's Due," which opens this weekend.
Devil Baby Prank Scares New Yorkers in Funny Viral Video [Watch]
Reviewed by Msl
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