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Watch How Thieves Rob Guns Worth $70k in Less Than A Minute [Video]

Thieves robbed a gun store in Newnan, Georgia on Sunday and made off with roughly $70,000 worth of rifles. And they did it in a brazen way.

Surveillance camera shows a car backing into the AR Bunker gun shop smashing through the window, three people then hop out of the car, grabbed rifles and semi-automatic rifles, then  made their getaway all in less than a minute. Watch video below:

Local law enforcement officials arrived on the scene moments later, but thieves were far gone by that time.

The three suspects later ditched their car, with some of the stolen rifles still in it, and fled on foot through a nearby forest, WGCL-TV reported.

The thieves caused at least $15,000 worth of damage to inventory and said that it would be another $15,000 for rebuilding costs, the report added.

Watch How Thieves Rob Guns Worth $70k in Less Than A Minute [Video] Reviewed by Msl on 07:15 Rating: 5

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