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Woman Who Donated Kidney To Husband Now Wants It Back After Divorce

Man meets woman. Man marries woman. woman gives man a kidney. Man leaves girl and surprise, surprise woman wants kidney back.

That's the story one U.K. woman recently shared with newspaper the Sunday People, explaining how she donated the vital organ to her dying husband, only to have him leave her once he recovered.

Samantha Lamb, a 41-year-old mother of one, underwent the kidney transplant operation for her husband, Andy, back in October 2009. She even lost weight to prepare for the surgery, which was documented by the BBC.

But a few years after the life-saving procedure, Samantha learned that Andy was leaving her and now she says she wants the kidney back. The angry wife told the paper she believes her husband cheated on her, which Andy vehemently denies.

"I can't ­believe he now has a second chance to live to see his grandchildren grow up," Lamb told the paper.

"I would definitely go through the operation again  but I wouldn’t give the kidney to him. I hate him. If I could I'd take it back and give it someone else."

Woman Who Donated Kidney To Husband Now Wants It Back After Divorce Reviewed by Msl on 01:23 Rating: 5

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