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Woman Expecting Identical Triplets Gets a HUGE Surprise

Mississippi-native Kimberly Fugate thought she had reached the end of a marathon with the birth of her three baby girls.

According to Huffpost, doctors had told her she would be expecting identical triplets, which was a shock to the mom. But after the third baby was delivered, they realized a fourth was hiding behind her three sisters.

Though once unexpected, Kenleigh Rosa, Kristen Sue, Kayleigh Pearl and Kelsey Roxanne are now known as the "Fugate Four".

The girls were born 13 week premature Just a day before Fugate's 42nd birthday, each weighing about two pounds. They'll have to remain in observation at University of Mississippi Medical Center until May.

Despite their stream of surprises, the family's joy for the girls is no secret. Kimberly, her husband Craig and the quads' big sister Katelyn, age 10, created a Facebook page called "Fugate Quadtruplets" to keep well-wishers in the loop. It has over 71,000 likes.

Woman Expecting Identical Triplets Gets a HUGE Surprise Reviewed by Msl on 14:07 Rating: 5

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