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Boko Haram: Nigerian Government Defends Decision to Borrow $1 billion

The Federal Government of Nigeria has defended its decision to borrow $1 billion (N160 billion) to enhance security forces in the battle against the insurgent Boko Haram group.

The Coordinator, National Information Centre, Mike Omeri
The proposed loan was revealed on Wednesday when the Senate President, David Mark, read a letter by President Goodluck Jonathan seeking permission from the Senate to borrow the money.

There have been nationwide criticisms since the proposal was made public as Nigerians questioned the trillions of naira already budgeted and spent on the military to defeat Boko Haram in the past few years.

But on Thursday, the federal government defended its decision take the loan, saying it would not only be used to prosecute the war against insurgency but to adequately equip the armed forces.

The Coordinator, National Information Centre, Mike Omeri, stated the government’s stance while interacting with journalists at the Centre on Thursday.

More details on Premium Times
Boko Haram: Nigerian Government Defends Decision to Borrow $1 billion Reviewed by Msl on 13:46 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Vigilant Nigerian17 July 2014 at 13:56

    1 Billion Dollars. JESUS!!!. Goodluck Jonathan ?? as your wife said "There is God oooooo"


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