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Astonishing Video Shows Baby Being Protected by Four Deadly Snakes [Watch]

The king cobra is so poisonous that it can kill an elephant in a single bite. It is so long that it will use its 18-foot length to ‘stand up’ and look a human in the eye if confronted.

Photo: Youtube
And in this astonishing viral footage, a helpless baby is being protected by not one of them but four.

The reptiles each stand guard in the corners of the bed where the baby is lying with their necks extended above the ground  the stance it will take when defensive. Scroll down foe video:

It is not known where the clip was filmed nor why the baby was left near the snakes.

Because king cobras are the only snakes in the world that build nests and guard their eggs, some have speculated the reptiles are protecting the baby out of an instinct to protect young.

Others have suggested the clip is a sick stunt, with the snakes defanged or their mouths sewn shut for some kind of snake charmer spectacle.

The footage was filmed in 2013, but has been receiving renewed attention from media outlets. Watch video below:

Astonishing Video Shows Baby Being Protected by Four Deadly Snakes [Watch] Reviewed by Msl on 04:56 Rating: 5


  1. Vigilant Nigerian21 August 2014 at 04:58

    It has been said that in India they remove the fangs from the Cobra's they use for snake charming. Regardless - this is amazing still because never once do the snakes attempt to attack the baby even though the baby is kind of laying on one of them and moving around. So many people like to shake their finger and say how horrible the parents are. There are parents in this country that put their children in danger even before they are born and yet we like to point our fingers at other people. The baby wasn't in any danger - clearly the Cobra's were protecting the baby. That is amazing in itself. 

  2. The cobra were focusing on people out of sight of the camera to give it the illusion of it guarding the baby. Basically four snakes had their fangs ripped out of their mouths for entertainment and are doomed to death, I fear humans much more than snakes. How you find this is amazing is beyond my grasp. 


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