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Afroman Remakes 'Because I Got High' to Support Marijuana Reform [Video]

Despite previous claims, rapper Afroman really does care.

In 2001, Afroman's controversial tune "Because I Got High" took over the radio airwaves. But now the rapper is back to clear the smoky air.

The original tune takes a comedic approach to stoners and marijuana culture. However, the song stereotypes weed enthusiasts into lazy, irresponsible criminals that can't uphold life's normal responsibilities because they got high. Painting present-day pot users in such a fashion is the last thing that marijuana law reformers want.

So Afroman teamed up with the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, a.k.a. NORML, and Weedmaps (basically the Yelp of legal marijuana dispensaries) to remake his 2001 hit with a more positive and accurate message.

To refresh your memory, the original version of "Because I Got High" can be viewed below.

Afroman Remakes 'Because I Got High' to Support Marijuana Reform [Video] Reviewed by Msl on 01:08 Rating: 5

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